Welcome to Live Well with Pain. The award winning website for people who are living with persistent pain and those who support them.

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Find out fast with Shortcuts – top tips for the things that matter most to people who are living with persistent pain.

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Encourage active engagement in self-care, with LWWP’s range of simple and attractive self management guides.

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What is pain self-management?

More than a third of the population live with persistent pain. It is a long term condition and cannot be ‘fixed or cured’. Traditional medical treatments such as pain medicines are now recognised as having only limited value.
Instead, a different way of living with persistent pain is growing in influence. It’s called a ‘self-management’ approach.


Find out how self-management works

Thinking about reducing your pain medicines?

If you have been taking pain relieving medicines for three months or more and still have pain that is preventing you from doing what you want, then it’s likely the medicines are not working for you.
You should never simply stop taking pain medicines suddenly. But with the right kind of support and planning it is perfectly possible to reduce or stop completely. Here’s how:

Reducing my pain medicines

Who is behind Live Well with Pain?

Live Well with Pain is run by an alliance of healthcare professionals working in pain management and people with lived experience of persistent pain.
They share a passionate belief in the power of self-management to improve life for people with pain.
By combining their professional and personal experience they have developed a range of self-management resources that have been tried and tested over many years.
They have built this website to share these resources with others.


Learn more about the team

Always trusted, always free

Live Well with Pain’s resources offer tried, tested, and effective ways to develop your confidence to self manage your pain.
And everything is completely free to use, whether you are a person living with persistent pain, a carer, or a health care professional supporting people to develop their self management skills.