The Live Well with Pain newsletter

Live Well with Pain produces a newletter about three times a year. It features a wide range of articles of interest to clinicians and others working with pain, as well as pieces written by and for people who live with persistent pain.

Sign up to receive the newsletter – each time a new issue is published we will email you a brief digest of the content and a link to download the full PDF.


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July 2024 issue out now!

Newsletter issue 16, July 2024


Inside this issue . . .
  • Q&A with co-chair of the Physiotherapy Pain Association, Rachel Stovell
  • The history of pain self-management – part two
  • Innovative pilot CBTi project in Lincolnshire
  • More books to beat pain


Download issue 16

Explore past issues of the newsletter

Newsletter issue 15, April 2024


Inside issue 15
  • LWWP on TV!
  • The history of pain self-management – new series
  • Meet the practitioners – Diarmuid Denneny
  • LWWP website – how it’s performing
  • More books to beat pain


Download issue 15

Newsletter issue 14, January 2024


Inside issue 14
  • Training the triners
  • How to set up a pain cafe
  • Meet the practitioenr – first in a new series
  • and more


Download issue 14

Newsletter issue 13, April 2023


Inside issue 13
  • Training social prescribers – evaluation results
  • Introducing new team members
  • Beyond pills – Pain Cafés in Cornwall
  • And more


Download issue 13


Newsletter issue 12, September 2022


Inside issue 12
  • Live Well with Pain at this year’s Best Practice Show in October
  • Unmasking Pain
  • Sleeping well with Sleepstation
  • Living well, looking great
  • The Ten Footsteps Training Programme


Download issue 12


Newsletter issue 11, May 2022


Inside issue 11
  • Safe prescribing and withdrawal of medicines associated with dependence
  • New support for people receiving analgesics after hospital admission for surgery
  • Online pain management: the client experience
  • More bright ideas: a review of the project that won us the Bright Ideas in Health Award in 2021
  • The Live Well with Pain Ten Footsteps Training Programme


Download issue 11


Newsletter issue 10, March 2022


Inside issue 10
  • Footsteps Festival roundup: what’s happening over the coming months
  • National recognition for a ‘bright ideas
  • Pointing the way for people to care for themselves while caring for others


Download issue 10


Newsletter issue 9, May 2021


Inside issue 9
Special issue on relationships
  • Pain and relationships
  • Intimacy and persistent pain
  • Relationships at work
  • Learning to face the world
  • Footsteps Festival 2021


Download issue 9


Newsletter issue 8, September 2020


Inside issue 8
  • Why I’ve joined Live Well with Pain
  • Coping with pain during Covid19: lockdown day 40
  • Alternatives to face-to-face pain service delivery
  • Learning to self-manage persistent pain – one footstep at a time


Download issue 8


Newsletter issue 7, March 2020


Inside issue 7
  • Making the most of physiotherapy
  • How to eat a plane (re-booting SMART goal setting)
  • Can pain self-care programmes really work in community settings?
  • Opioid analgesics on Horizon: Reaction to the Michael Moseley programme


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Newsletter issue 6, October 2019


Inside issue 6
  • Life After Opioids – Louise’s Story
  • Histamine and histamine receptors: new kids on the block for persistent neuropathic pain relief?
  • A tool for understanding needs
  • Addicted to painkillers? The reality behind the headlines
  • Managing flare-ups: a practical guide
  • The black hole of pain


Download issue 6


Newsletter issue 5, May 2019


Inside issue 5
  • Getting with the (sleep) programme
  • Medicinal Cannabis
  • The rise and rise of gabapentinoids
  • From chronic pain to health coaching and activation
  • Books and new resources


Download issue 5


Newsletter issue 4, January 2019


Inside issue 4
  • Medicines: never the full picture
  • Taking on tapering
  • Introducing and agreeing an appropriate model
  • Using an outcome measure for a Chronic Pain Service
  • It’s a goal! (setting activity and lifestyle goals)
  • Degrees of difference


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Newsletter issue 3, October 2018


Inside issue 3
  • Hammering home the message
  • Changing roles and establishing a collaborative working relationship
  • Pain and prescribing – what’s in a number?
  • Beyond managing medication
  • Pain and the brain – how it really works
  • More new visual resources from Live Well with Pain


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Newsletter issue 2, July 2018


Inside issue 2
  • New look website
  • Understanding beliefs about pain and facilitating change
  • More about safer use of opioids
  • The Health Needs Assessment Tool (HNA)
  • The Pain Management Plan (PMP)


Download issue 2


Newsletter issue 1, March 2018


Inside issue 1
  • What is happening on Gabapentinoids and controlled drugs options?
  • Sleep and pain
  • Statement on Opioid prescribing
  • Pain Management Programme workbook new on the scene
  • Eve Jenner profile
  • Reading Well for pain


Download issue 1