Learn invaluable techniques for working with people who live with persistent pain

Live Well with Pain has developed a rich collection of self-management tools and techniques for use by clinicians and other practitioners working with people with pain.


These tried and tested techniques, developed and practised by health care professionals, will help you shift the conversation towards self-care and guide the person you are supporting, to become a confident self-manager of their pain.
Using any of our tools and resources with your patients or clients is completely free. You can find out more about the terms of use for practitioners here.

Practitioners: get printed guides to offer the people you’re supporting

Encourage active engagement in self-care, with LWWP’s range of simple and attractive self-management booklets.

Find out more about printed guides

Skills and knowledge for practitioners

Our resources for practitioners have been produced for clinicians, social prescribers, pharmacists, clinical psychologists, physiotherapists – or indeed any practitioners working in pain management.
They include training videos, document downloads and guidance. Here are just some of the topics covered:

Shifting the conversation

  • Why we need to listen to a person’s ‘pain story’
  • Moving from medicines-based treatment to a self management approach
  • Supporting someone to form person-centred goals

Medicines and your patient

  • Exploring medicines use with a patient
  • Carrying out a medicines review
  • Opioid prescribing – how does your practice measure up?


Supporting self-management

  • The skills needed to develop a person’s pacing skills
  • Why using metaphors to explain pain is so effective
  • Why self-management with confidence is the aim
All our resources for practitioners are completely free to use in your work with people living with pain.
Start exploring:

Skills and knowledge for practitioners

Medicines management

The role of any analgesic medicine in pain management is to reduce pain intensity and allow improved or maintained function. In other words, they are used to help the patient do more of the things that matter to them.
If medicines are not allowing a person to do more, whether because they do not reduce pain intensity or due to side-effects, then they should be carefully reduced and stopped at a time and pace the person can manage.
We have developed a range of resources and research for clinicians, including:
  • opioid equivalence, risks and recommendations
  • an Opioid Tapering Resource Pack
  • and key research papers by leading pain medicine specialists

Medicines resources for clinicians

Resources to give the people you’re working with

Live Well with Pain has developed wide range of leaflets and information sheets to download and print, for you to offer to the person you’re working with. These cover topics such as:

Self-management information leaflets

  • Explaining pain
  • Pain and the brain
  • Goal setting
  • Pacing
  • Learning to manage setbacks
  • Understanding the pain cycle
  • How to sleep well with pain

Self-management tools

  • My SMART Goals
  • My Goal Ladder
  • My Activity Diary
  • My Daily Pacing Plan

Medicines information for people with pain

  • Taking opioids for pain
  • Driving and Pain
  • The Great Opioid Side Effect Lottery

Information posters for public waiting areas

  • Painkillers – the downside
  • An opioid thermometer
All our resources are completely free to download and use in your work with people living with pain.

Explore downloads for practitioners

Always trusted, always free

Live Well with Pain’s resources offer tried, tested, and effective ways to develop your confidence to self manage your pain.
And everything is completely free to use, whether you are a person living with persistent pain, a carer, or a health care professional supporting people to develop their self management skills.