Resources for practitioners

Our resources for practitioners have been produced for clinicians, social prescribers, pharmacists, clinical psychologists, physiotherapists – or indeed any practitioners working in pain management. Our training videos, document downloads and guidance are all free to use and share.

Printed guides to offer the people you’re supporting

Live Well with Pain’s printed booklets are the ideal aid for practitioners to use in their consultations.
Based on the acclaimed ‘ten footsteps’ approach, they cover many of the main topics you’ll find on this website. There are guides on Pacing, Sleep, Goal Setting and even one that gives an overview of all Ten Footsteps.
Giving your patient or client a booklet to take away with them following a consultation is a simple but effective way to reinforce your self-management messages.
These professionally produced booklets can be ordered in short runs of as little as 50 copies. And because they are printed ‘on-demand’, they are not only cost-effective, they can be with you in as little as a week. So you can get started guiding your patients or clients on their self-management journey.

Find out more about printed guides

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Live Well with Pain produces a newletter about three times a year. It features a wide range of articles of interest to clinicians and others working with pain, as well as pieces written by and for people who live with persistent pain.
Sign up to receive the newsletter – each time a new issue is published we will email you a brief digest of the content and a link to download the full PDF.


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