‘Fantastic’ Live Well with Pain highlighted on Radio 4’s Today programme

8th August 2024 | David Andrassy

TV and radio presenter Kirsty Young has spoken out about her ongoing struggle with chronic pain, on Radio 4’s Today programme.

In doing so, she has shone a spotlight on a very widespread problem that often receives little media attention.
As part of the programme, Today presenter Emma Barnett interviewed Dr Kamila Hawthorne, Chair of the Royal College of GPs. Emma was keen to know what was available for people other than opioids, which are increasingly recognised as being potentially harmful.
Dr Hawthorne highlighted that a number of services have emerged, particularly recommending Live Well with Pain, which she described as ‘a fantastic service.’
As Dr Hawthorne explained, Live Well with Pain’s website has a wealth of resources both for people with pain and the healthcare professionals who support them.
Dr Chris Barker who runs a Community Pain Service in Merseyside agreed that the role of medication is limited, and that being in charge of how you manage your pain is key.
That means understanding pain, how it affects you individually and learning what self-management strategies work best for you.
Chris emphasised that movement-based strategies, mindfulness strategies, understanding nutrition and finding ways to manage flare-ups are often important elements of this.
All of which form part of Live Well with Pain’s approach, encapsulated in the Ten Footsteps programme.
Here at Live Well with Pain, we are excited that the idea of self-management is gaining traction, and hope to see more coverage in the coming months that showcases positive ways to live well with pain.
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