CBTi Sleep School has successful pilot

23rd July 2024 | David Andrassy

Lincolnshire Sleep School is a new educational resource hosted by Lincolnshire Pain Café, an initiative of The Lincolnshire Opioids in Non-Cancer Pain Clinical Reference Group. Dr Graham Dunthorne got in touch to tell us how it came about:
“The Pain Café runs a series of online sessions based on Live Well with Pain’s Ten Footsteps programme.
“Having recently run Footstep 6 of the programme (which focuses on sleep) we recognised that people in Lincolnshire were struggling to access support, education and resources for improving sleep.
“To address this, we decided to run two additional sessions focusing specifically on the topic of sleep. We adopted a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for insomnia (CBTi) approach, as this is often seen as the first line treatment for insomnia.
“We have just completed our first pilot of the Sleep School and plan to run a second in the winter.”
Live Well with Pain looks forward to hearing more from Lincolnshire Sleep School – and we’ll keep you up to date with its progress.
We are also keen to hear from other organisations that are using Ten Footsteps in their group work with people with pain. We hope to feature more projects in future issues of this newsletter.
If you’re running a programme based on Ten Footsteps, or are thinking of doing so, drop us a line to let us know.

This article first appeared in Live Well with Pain’s July 2024 newsletter.

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