Everything at Live Well with Pain is completely free to use.

This is true for everyone – people living with persistent pain, carers, and practitioners supporting people to self-manage their pain.

Over 100,000 people across the UK and beyond use our resources every year, trusting them to provide valuable tools to help them take back control, and live well despite their pain.

Trusted resources

Our resources are trusted because they have been developed by health care professionals from a wide range of disciplines, with many years experience of working in pain management.
People with lived experience of persistent pain are also closely involved in developing many of our resources. Their input helps ensure our resources respond to the real issues faced by people with pain.
People with lived experience of pain have also joined our team and are now helping to shape the future of Live Well with Pain.
We also work closely with organisations like the British Pain Society and Durham University.
And we collaborate with some great pain organisations like Flippin’ Pain who share our belief that people with persistent pain can live well despite it.
So you can be sure that Live Well with Pain’s resources offer tried, tested, and effective ways to develop your confidence to self-manage your pain.

Always free

Live Well with Pain is committed to providing its resources free because we want as many people as possible to be able to access self-management resources when they need them.


To enable us to do this we apply for grants and one-off awards that can support our work.
We also deliver training for professionals and some of the income from this is used to keep to our resources online, up-to-date and free.
We do not take any money from pharmaceutical companies. We are very aware of the potentially negative impact of pain medicines on people with persistent pain, and we don’t want to compromise our ability to share our understanding of this.



How practitioners can use the resources – our terms of use

We know how important it is for healthcare professionals and other practitioners to have access to resources at their fingertips, when they need them.

Download, print or share for free

We don’t put any limit on how often you can use our resources in your work with individuals – whether downloading a leaflet to print out for someone you’re supporting, or sharing links and resources to develop knowledge and skills with clients or colleagues.

Longer print runs

We also offer professionally printed resources of some of our most popular self management guides. Find out more about our printed resources here.

Linking to our website

We have developed our resources for everyone to access, so we love it when other organisations link to our web pages. To help you do this, we endeavour to ensure our website complies with NHS policy about linking to external sites. Get in touch to let us know if you’re planning to link to our site, so we know how our reach is growing.

Incorporating our resources in your own

Please bear in mind that all resources on our site are copyright to Live Well with Pain unless otherwise stated.
So, if you are interested in incorporating any of our content into your own materials, please get in touch to discuss this with us.
We are increasingly partnering with Integrated Care Boards and other organisations who want to incorporate our resources into their delivery and we warmly welcome any such developments.

Adapting our resources

We have worked hard to ensure all our resources are robustly evidence-based and co-created with people with pain. So if you are thinking of making adaptations or changes please get in touch. We recognise that this can lead to improvements in our resources, and so we welcome this kind of input.