David Andrassy

David Andrassy is a visual communications specialist. He began his career as a graphic designer in the early 1980s working for a commercial studio in Leeds – in the days of cut-and-paste, before computers transformed the industry.

He left advertising design to work as an artist in Italy, returning to England after a couple of years to pursue a career in mental health services. David worked in Edinburgh and Manchester, initially in residential settings and later in community development and service planning roles.

David left mental health in 1999 to set up Andrassy Media, specifically to provide a design service to the non-profit sector. The company’s aim – to develop visual communications in support of positive social change – led to long term engagement with diverse parts of the sector. This included BME-led agencies, youth and community services, women’s organisations, the higher education sector, the performing arts, and social housing, as well as health service providers, commissioners and policy makers.

David has been working with Live Well with Pain since 2012, developing its websites and many of its resources.