
There is plenty of evidence showing that relaxation and mindfulness can help people with persistent pain. For example, we know it can lessen pain levels, reduce stress and improve concentration.

What is relaxation?

Relaxation is a skill you can learn. It happens when you guide your mind to unwind the tension and tightness within your body.
Relaxation often involves using breathing skills and focusing the mind on relaxing images, colours or experiences. Gentle tightening or stretching and relaxing movements with focus on the breath can also help to lessen the tension within the muscles and body.
Learning relaxation can be easier than you expect and many people who have struggled with pain say they can feel positive results very quickly.
Doing activities that help you unwind

Gentle exercise programmes like Yoga, listening to a relaxation CD, a warm bath with scented oils . . . the list is endless. Find something that you love to do.

Breathing and muscle relaxations

Belly breathing (also called diaphragmatic breathing) and progressive muscle relaxation are two common types.

Distracting the mind’s attention

Imagining a pleasurable activity like a walk in the countryside or along a beach can help shift your focus away from pain and other unpleasant feelings.


Find out more here

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is being aware of your body and mind in the “now”. It is about noticing what you think, feel or want at this moment without being critical or judging yourself.
It guides you to see your thoughts as events in the mind rather than facts or truths.
It allows you to choose how to respond to your thoughts rather than react to them.
It helps you make kinder choices on how to manage your pain, your situation or your thoughts.

Learn more about relaxation

The Ten Footsteps programme includes a footstep dedicated to relaxation and mindfulness, where you can explore resources and learn new skills.

Explore Footstep 5 – Relaxation and mindfulness