Sue Crisfield

Sue lives in Somerset and since 2019 has been Social Prescribing Coordinator with a Primary Care Network (PCN) of five GP surgeries in South Somerset.

She works closely with the voluntary, community, faith & social enterprise sector and works in partnership with many organisations to set up a range of local community groups and activities to help support local people’s health and wellbeing.

She qualified as a Youth & Community Worker in 1985 and has primarily worked with young people and young adults in a range of roles since then (young carers, young homeless people, young people at risk of exclusion).

Sue lives with two persistent pain conditions – Osteoarthritis and Burning Mouth Syndrome – which have negatively impacted her own physical and emotional health and wellbeing. She discovered the Live Well with Pain programme in July 2021 and is passionate about supporting people with pain conditions to find ways of living a happy and fulfilled life, despite that pain and being able to do the things that matter to them.

She is working on developing a PCN-wide programme of 10 Footsteps groups in community venues, including health walks for people with long-term conditions and Tai Chi Qi Gong classes, online and in-person pain cafes and anything else that helps!