Ten Footsteps to Living Well with Pain
Welcome to Ten Footsteps – and congratulations on taking the first step towards living well with pain!
Choose a footstep
Why Ten Footsteps?
Ten Footsteps has been created by a partnership of clinicians together with people who are living with persistent pain.
They know from experience that the key to living well despite their pain is self management.
When people self manage their pain, their quality of life improves. Eventually it stops dominating their day and they begin to get more out of life.
Knowing how to manage your pain is not automatic – but it is something that you can learn.
That’s where Ten Footsteps comes in. It’s designed to help you learn the skills you need to become an effective ‘self-manager’ of your pain.
How it works
Ten Footsteps is divided into sections. We’ve called each section a ‘footstep’ because learning to self manage is a bit like setting out on a journey – and each footstep is a stage on the way to becoming a confident self manager of your pain.
In each footstep you’ll find a mix of information and resources such as videos, and handy tools to help you.
There are short ‘case studies’ – real life stories from people who have found ways to overcome some of the difficulties of living with pain.
And there are links to other online resources that people with pain have found useful.
Feel free to explore each footstep in order, or simply dip into the ones that you find most helpful. And don’t be afraid to come back to certain footsteps – learning new skills takes time.

“I used to feel defeated by my pain. It completely controlled my life. But the skills I’ve learned through the Ten Footsteps programme mean I can actually start to enjoy life again. Thank you Live Well with Pain!”
Take the first footstep
What better way to start than finding out a bit about how persistent pain actually happens. So take the first footstep . . .
Are you caring for someone with persistent pain?
Did you know we also have a Ten Footsteps just for you? Our Ten Footsteps for Carers has been created by two people who have experience of exactly this. After many years of supporting partners living with persistent pain, they recognised that in the long run the only way to keep caring is to take care of themselves as well . . .