True stories

Nothing inspires us more than hearing from someone who has gone through something similar to ourselves, and found a positive way through it.

These true stories from people living with persistent pain will move you, surprise you, and inspire you to explore ways of living your life to the full . . .

My Journey

A short video by someone with lived experience of dependence on opioid medication. Paul Hemsil has made this video to help others in a similar position, to gain an understanding of the effects of opioids on the body and the support available to manage chronic pain without opioids.

(duration: 5 minutes)

Life after opioids

After more than a decade and half of trying – unsuccessfully – to deal with her fibromyalgia through opioids, Louise finally decided that one way or another, she was going to have to manage her pain another way.

In Louise’s words: “I got my life back – I’m living proof that there really is life after opioids!”

A Live Well with Pain production

(duration: 23 minutes)

Breaking through the pain cycle

Chris was addicted to prescription opioids, overweight and suicidal. Yet today he’s medication-free and living life to the full. Find out how in this inspiring film.

A Live Well with Pain production

(duration: 20 minutes)

The carer’s story

Living with someone with persistent pain means we are not only a partner, we’re a carer too. Others might advise us to look after ourselves, but often we have neither the time, nor space, to do so. Karen began to feel forgotten and became anxious and depressed without even noticing it. It was only as her wife’s situation improved, that Karen realised the impact on herself . . .

A Live Well with Pain production

(duration: 10 minutes)

Opioids and pain

In this special investigation by Channel 5 news, Live Well with Pain’s Louise Trewern explains how, after years of being dependent on prescribed opioids, she was eventually able to learn self-management techniques that helped her get her life back.


(duration: 5 minutes)


Faye’s story

Faye’s story puts the potential dangers of opioid prescribing into reality by describing, from her parents’ perspective, the sequence of events that ultimately led to her untimely death from respiratory depression.

Produced by NHS England

(duration: 4 minutes)

My journey with pain

Vidymala Burch is 62 years of age. She has lived with pain since injuring her spine aged sixteen. Here Vidyamala talks about four stages of her journey with pain: denial, bargaining, acceptance and flourishing.

A joint Breathworks and Live Well with Pain production

(duration: 20 minutes)


Sean’s story

Sean’s story describes how strong opioid prescribing had a devastating impact on his quality of life, and how he has engaged with more effective non-drug therapy that has been life-changing.

Produced by NHS England

(duration: 8 minutes)

Bradford Living with Pain service

People with pain share their experiences of persistent pain and the value of the NHS Living with Pain Service in Bradford.

(duration: 8 minutes)



A conversation about mindfulness

Three people who live with long term pain talk about mindfulness: what it means to them and the effect it has had on their lives.

(duration: 27 minutes)