How’s your nutrition?
Nutrition self assessment
Welcome to Live Well with Pain’s Nutrition self assessment. Use it to get a clearer picture of how your diet is at the moment – and to explore areas where you might want to make changes.
There are eight sets of questions, covering everything from fruit and veggies, to vitamins and even water. Each question includes some useful information about how to get the balance right.
When you’ve completed your self assessment, you can save it as a PDF to look back over later.
Or you can print it out to share with a nutritionist or other healthcare professional, who can help you explore more ways to find a healthy balance.
Top tip: Don’t be tempted to choose the ‘right’ answers! You’ll get more out of the self assessment if you just put what you’re really doing right now. That way you’ll be able to see for yourself the areas where you might want to make a change.