Nutrition and pain


The key to a healthy diet is focusing on the quality and variety of foods you eat, ensuring your body gets the essential nutrients it needs to function at its best.

This is especially important for people living with pain, as nutrient-rich foods can support overall health and may also play a role in managing pain levels.

Top tips for people with pain

So what exactly are the foods we need – and why are they so important for pain? We’ve put together our top nutrition tips for people with pain that explain why we need them and how they help.

How are you doing with your current diet?

To find out, why not do our Nutrition self assessment. This simple online self assessment will help you see how you’re currently doing and think about any changes you might want to make.

Want to make some changes but don’t know where to start?

We’ve got you covered with our very own Chronic Pain Cookbook. All the recipes in it have been tested by a group of people with pain who are making nutritional changes to their diets, so you’ll soon be on your way to that all-important balanced diet.

Part of your bigger journey

Remember, a balanced diet is just one part of a much bigger journey – your journey to live well despite your persistent pain.
To find out how nutrition fits into this bigger picture, why not explore Ten Footsteps to Living Well with Pain (Spoiler alert: you’ll find nutrition in Footstep 9!)