Good habits for sleep

If you are struggling with sleep, you are not alone. It is very common for people to have difficulties getting to sleep or staying asleep.

Research shows there are a number of good habits to get into to aid sleep . . .

Tips for getting a good night’s sleep

If you are caring for someone, the idea of getting a good night’s sleep may sound like a pipe dream. However there are lots of small things that you can do to make difference. Why try out these tips for getting a good night's sleep

Leave your worries in the daytime

You might think this is easier said than done, but if we are worrying at night and can’t sleep. Of course, most of the time we can’t do much about our worries during the night-time anyway. So why not try a “brain dump”. . .

Brain dumps and brain spills

One way of removing worries from the night-time is to use a brain dump or brain spill diary. The idea is that early evening you spend a minute or two writing down everything that comes into your mind. Then look at the thoughts you have recorded and decide what to do with them. For example, you might have thought:
“What a lovely colour that bird was.” This is a random thought and can just be set aside.
“I need five minutes to book a hair appointment.” This thought needs action. Perhaps you could go and put it on a “To Do” list for the following day.
“How are we going to pay the rent?” This sounds like a worry. You could decide to diary it to ask the person you care for or another relative or friend to spend time with you working out some solutions, such as who you could contact for help, how to manage your budget or other ideas you and they might have.

Resources to help you sleep

Headspace – sleep

Read articles about how to sleep better, listen to sleep meditations and more on the Headspace website.

Visit the website

NHS – every mind matters – trouble sleeping?

If you're having sleep problems, there are simple steps you can take to ease those restless nights. Find out how to get to sleep and how to sleep better.

Visit the website

The Sleep Charity

A national, award-winning charity empowering the nation to sleep better. One of the leading, independent expert voices on sleep issues in the UK and helping everyone get a better night’s sleep.

Visit the website

Good habits for sleep
Key ideas

✔ It is very common for people to have difficulties getting to sleep or staying asleep
✔ Research shows there are a number of good habits to get into, that can aid sleep
✔ Try techniques like ‘brain dumps and brain spills’ to remove worries from the night-time


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