Frequently asked questions

Can I order larger quantities?

Yes, we are happy to supply larger quantities. Please let us know your requirements using the Print enquiry form, and we will provide a quotation.

Can I buy single copies?

Unfortunately we can’t offer single copies of our publications as these would be prohibitively expensive to produce.
If you are a person living with pain and looking for a single copy for your own use, remember that all our resources are also available as PDFs on our website, where you can download them for free to print at home on your desktop printer.

Who can buy the printed resources?

Anyone can buy our resources. Do bear in mind though that the smallest quantity we can supply is 50 copies. Our service is therefore most likely to be useful for organisations or groups, who will have a need for multiple copies.

How do I pay?

When you send us an order request via the order form, we will email you an invoice for the full amount together with details for making your payment via BACS. Payment in full is required for us to proceed with the print order.

Can I pay by card?

At present we can only accept payment by BACS transfer. When you send an order via the order form, we will send you an invoice together with details for making your payment via BACS.

Do you require a Purchase Order number?

We do not require a Purchase Order number from you – however your organisation may require us to include one in our invoice to them, so that they are able to process the invoice we send.
If you are not sure whether you need to provide us with an order number, please check with the relevant person in your organisation before placing your order.

Is delivery included?

Yes, the cost of delivery is included in the price. All print orders are sent via next day courier service. The courier will send notification to the mobile phone number you supply at the time of ordering, detailing when to expect delivery and how to change the delivery if you are not going to be in.

Can you supply printed resources outside the UK?

Yes we can send printed resources internationally. Our prices include delivery within the UK, so if you are based outside the UK please get in touch via the Print enquiry form and we will provide the cost for delivery to your territory.

I can’t see the publication I want – do you print any other resources?

At the moment the publications listed are the only ones available. However if there is something else you’d like to see available in the future please let us know via the Print enquiry form, as we are hoping to expand our range over time.

Can we have our logo on the printed materials?

Yes, we can produce versions of our publications with joint branding where trusted organisations are looking to use the self-management materials with their service users. To discuss this, please get in touch via the Print enquiry form.